
Create harmonious relationships, wealth, and success in your home or office from the auspicious energy used in the art of Feng Shui.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui (pronounced “fung schway") is over three thousand year old practice of chinese art of object placement for promoting balance, harmony and success!  Feng Shui symbolically means “wind and water”; actually “GENTLE” wind and water.  Both are forms of energy. Feng Shui is not a religion or philosophy, though it can be compatible with nearly all religions.  Feng Shui is a study of energy and how this all pervasive energy flows can impact your health, relationship and prosperity. There are many Feng Shui schools; however, our style uses Form and Compass without the need for birth date.  This has been accomplished by years of research and clairvoyance by the Feng Shui Institute of Physics and Energy. What is the energy pattern in your environment (office and/or at home)?

How does Feng Shui work?

There are many types of energies that effect your environment (some positive and some negative).  We want to enhance auspicious energy flow to promote good health, success, harmonious relationships, prosperity, abundance and so much more. Some of the typical Feng Shui objects used are plants, wind chimes, lights, and mirrors.